Major Redesigns and Changes with Love Interests

Hey y'all!! Sorry for the sudden silence, college has once again been popping back up and I've had to take off my time doing other things.

As you can notice, I've updated a lot of things regarding the love interests that I'll have to update later for their profile cards too! I'll give the exact changes below in this post!


  • Changed some of their color schemes
  • Faces and expressions have been done in a different style with thinner brows and mouth.
  • New way of coloring eyes done.
  • Their ahoges/cow licks have all been redesigned as well.


  • Face has been updated to the same level of detail the other LIs had along with his outfits being given more detail to them.
    • His old face was very unpolished due to being the first love interest I designed
  • Very light blues turned into white
    • Just a personal choice
  • Gave him a full tan instead of tan lines
    • Since he doesn't use his old jogging outfit, there's no reasons why he would have the tan lines from it anymore.
  • He's now more preppy instead of being sporty.  Most of his events will be regarding stuff in entertainment such as him aspiring to be an idol.
  • He now lives alone with his family not knowing where he is. Bennett is his neighbor/roommate as they live on the same property. 
    • Bennett in specific is the closest he has to family, in his opinion.
  • His full first name is Victory.


  • Returned back to his "dirty blond" hair color, changed his beads to now be multicolored.
    • The hair color and previous fashion felt too much like Elliott and Julian's looks, so I changed them into his original vibes from his first design. He'll keep his spiderbites as a treat.
  • He's now an only child who lives away from his family with Victor as his neighbor/roommate.
  • Bennett is still besties with Victor but he now has his original doting self due to being the closest thing Victor has to family. He also doubles as his agent now.


  • Changed his outfit's color scheme to be lighter and use whites.
    • Wanted a more apparent contrast when it comes to him being with the other love interests.
  • Rewrote his personality to be more chill and social. His background has now been changed to being a foreign exchange student that recently came instead of being always here.
    • His personality didn't exactly seem like it'll gel well with the others in the long route so I felt it would be more interesting if he was meeting the other guys for the first time along with Mika if you choose his route.
  • He's Mika's next-door neighbor now instead of being neighbors with Victor and Bennett. Lauren will frequently hang inside Mika's house more instead of just calling him.


  • Adjusted his eyes to fit his personality more and made his hair longer.
  • Will redesign his casual outfit in the future.
  • Changed his age from 17 to 15
    • For some small context: Nirvana's counterpart is a large shark man who's still considered young to his people. So I feel it would make the connection more apparent if Nirvana was the youngest along with Victor. It also helps even out to the love interests now being for 2 in each school year.
  • He now moved into the neighborhood recently in the spring, a season before Lauren moved.
  • He is now a part of the swim club when he starts school instead of being in the Track Club with Bennett.


  • Made his hair color a dark purple and his eye color gold.
  • Added more belts to his summer outfit.
    • The details of his outfit felt very empty despite the tattoos filling his arms. The belts are also meant to show his goth side more.
  • Lightened his skin tone.


  • Changed his race along with redesigning his face and completely redesigning his hair.
  • He now becomes friends with Lauren in his and Lauren's route.
  • Mika will now have the chance to sleep over in his penthouse apartment due to him being the only one that doesn't live in the neighborhood.

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